Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Bump Update: Week 24

How far along: 24 weeks & 3 days

Size of baby: About 12 inches (she's a foot long from head to toe), weighs about 1.3-1.5 pounds, and is the size of a cantaloupe

Weight gain: 12.5 pounds

Maternity clothes: Maternity pants/shorts and regular & maternity tops

Symptoms: Feel great but need to remind myself to slow down a bit so I'm not exhausted by the end of the day

Gender: Girl!

Exercise: Running & teaching 6-7 days/week

Food cravings: Dr. Pepper

Food aversions: Nothing

Movement: Lots of movement throughout the day and usually right when I wake up in the morning too

Sleep: Sleeping really well and haven't had any issues yet (knock on wood!)

Looking forward to: Todd has been out of town for work and comes home today!  I had lived by myself for 3 years after grad school but now that I'm married, I have a much harder time being alone

Best moment of the week: Finally had a stranger ask if I was pregnant!  I was actually really excited about this because it means I look pregnant even though when he asked how far along I was, he was surprised I was as far along as I am.  He said he had a 7 week old baby at home so since his wife was just pregnant, he thought it looked like I had a baby bump and wasn't just needing to lose a few pounds. We also ordered the glider for the nursery.


emilyburkins said...

You look so cute, Jen!! xoxo

Sarah said...

Love that little bump! and Dr. Pepper!! The first time someone asked if I was pregnant, I was a bit taken back but actually being pregnant made it easier to hear. It was as if I wasn't prepared for anyone else to notice!

Nat said...

It's so fun when someone first notices your pregnant! Slowing down was so hard for me- it took me awhile to adjust to it. I remember getting out of breath going up and downstairs and asking my doctor and she was like Nope you're find thats normal!

Lindsay said...

Glad all is going well and I enjoyed the pics from your vacation!

BeckyJo606 said...

I still remember the first person to ask when I was due. It's such an exciting feeling. :) You look great! :)