Monday, February 27, 2017

Last Weekend in February

I feel like every time I do a weekend recap, it somehow revolves around the weather and this weekend was no exception!  We hit a high temp in the mid-70s on Friday and then it dropped about 50 degrees by Saturday night when we were back into the mid-20s.  I can't wait for the weekends when we are consistently in the 70s and 80s and can spend most of our days outside.  

On my day off on Friday, the girls & I were out and about by 8:30 AM and didn't get home until lunch time.  We had a quick appointment at the pediatrician's office for Cece's booster shot for the flu and afterwards, we ventured over to Emerald Fields Park, one of Lucy's favorite parks.  We played for over an hour and by the time we were leaving around 11:00 AM, it was starting to get pretty crowded.  We ran a few errands and then came home for lunch.  Obviously nothing memorable happened the rest of the day because 1.) I don't have any pictures and 2.) I can't remember what we did!

It took Cece a little over 7 months but she finally rolled over from her back to her belly while sleeping on Thursday night/Friday morning

The girls hanging out on our bed on Friday morning while I showered and got ready 

Cece now has both of her bottom teeth coming through and she can't get enough of chewing on these teething rings

Emerald Fields Park in Dublin

Lucy climbing

These two test my patience every day but it's hard to get frustrated or upset when they're just so cute


Lucy the monkey

She hardly ever actually sits on the swing like this....

she much prefers being on her belly and swinging


We made a quick trip to Meijer because they sell a particular flavor of veggie burger that I like and Lucy got to ride Sandy the Pony for the first time

After getting home from taking a class at System of Strength on Saturday morning, Todd had to head into work for the day.  He was supposed to work a couple weekends ago but the new release that he has to be at work for got delayed by two weeks.  Anyways, I had another day of just me attempting to entertain the girls.  We ended up going to The Shops at Worthington Place to hit up the indoor farmers' market, play a little bit at their indoor play area, and get some ice cream at Cookie Dough Creamery.  Todd got home from work in the late afternoon and we spent time playing with the girls before dinner.  After we got the girls to bed, Todd & I enjoyed a "date night" at home and had some delicious sushi from Tokyo Sushi in Powell and watched a movie.

Some of the vendors set up inside at the farmers' market

The play area is pretty small and it was more crowded than when we've gone before so Lucy only played for about 20 minutes before deciding she was done

Snacking on a mum mum

Lucy wanted me to take a picture of her new princess bracelets (this is her "hurry up and take the picture" face)

I took my (huge) sundae home for dessert that evening but not before letting Lucy have a few bites

Hanging out after Todd got home from work

Date night sushi

Yesterday, my dad ended up taking Lucy to Sunday school at church because I had committed to subbing a Spinning class in the morning and Todd had a work call at the same time which all happened to coincide with the mass time we typically attend.  We just kinda hung out at home most of the day and then after Cece's afternoon nap, we went to Floor & Decor to check out some more options for our bathroom renovation.  I think we found some contenders too for our favorite flooring and shower tile.  All in all, it was a pretty low-key day but a nice way to end the weekend.

Hanging out at Floor & Decor

We're leaning towards this for the floor...

and this for the shower (we still need to look at counter tops, cabinets, lighting, paint, etc. so we have a long way to go!)

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