Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Spring is Winding Down

It's hard to believe that this weekend is already Memorial Day weekend and to me that always seems like the real start to summer: kids are out of school, pools are open, and the weather is (hopefully) heating up.  So to me, spring is already winding down and we're getting to my favorite part of the year!  

Last Friday, we headed to the Worthington Touch-a-Truck event right when it started so we could beat some of the crowds and because we had a play date close by later that morning.  This touch-a-truck is my favorite one we've been to just because they have a ton of different vehicles/trucks as well as some inflatables for kids to play on.  This was our third year going and even though we didn't get to spend a lot of time there, we still saw and did quite a bit.

Ready to check out Touch-a-Truck

No surprise that our first stop was the school bus

Lucy in a race car from Magic Mountain

She played in the bounce house for a little bit...

and also went down this slide a few times

She got to meet Skye from Paw Patrol (which I actually had to look up the names of these characters because while Lucy knows what Paw Patrol is, it isn't a show she typically watches)

Lucy loves characters in costume so she also ran over to give Rubble a hug

Posing with him

After Lucy played, we checked out a few more vehicles like this red trolley

We all decided to climb aboard to see what it looked like inside

After about an hour at the Touch-a-Truck, we drove over to Sara's house where our other friend, Emily, was also going to meet us.  Emily drove down from Cleveland with her 2 little girls so we could meet baby Morgan for the first time and hang out.  Sara's littlest one, Hope, is only 1 week older than Morgan so we had quite the handful of kids!  Between the 3 of us, there were 7 kids (6 girls & 1 boy) ranging in age from 5 to 8 weeks.  The kids all had a great time and were really well behaved, I was impressed!  We ended up staying until about 1:00 PM which was probably pushing it a bit since Cece only napped for 15 min in the car (I knew I was going to have to skip her morning nap at home that day) and despite having some snacks, both my girls were getting hungry for lunch.

Hattie, Kendall, & Lucy were completely enamored with Morgan

At one point, Lucy & Kendall were cozy in blankets looking at books together

Playing in their "boat"

And a picture of Cece from later that day at home just because

Saturday flew by in the blink of an eye because I had to teach & do laundry (at my parents' house because our washing machine is currently broken and we're waiting on a part to come in) and Todd was outside most of the afternoon trying to get some yard work done.  Lucy wanted to help Todd mulch which lasted all of about 15 min so after she came in, I played with her while Cece was napping.

Lucy ready to help

Spreading it out

Pretty sure this was far as Lucy got before she was done

On Sunday, Todd & the girls drove up to Leetonia for our niece's 6th birthday party.  After Todd being gone for 2 weeks, I needed a little break from the girls and some time to actually get a bunch of errands done so I stayed home.  While I'm not completely caught up on my to-do list (because let's be honest, is that actually possible?), I definitely put a big dent in it and feel much less stressed out about everything.  My next big thing though is to start planning Cece's 1st birthday party for July.

Audrey's party was ice cream themed and this was the birthday cake (even though I wasn't there, Todd took a few pictures to send me)

Ice cream sundae bar

Birthday girl & Lucy at the present table

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