Smiling after trying bites from their apples
Helping me pick apples to fill our bag
Cece's hair looked so blonde with her cream colored hat & jacket
Beautiful day for apple picking
We were in the other orchard this time so on our way out from picking, we stopped to take pictures in all the cutouts
Lucy the Ladybug
Cece was just a tad too short to get her whole face in the cutout
Loved this one of Lucy
Saturday was a busy day for us! We wanted to make our annual visit to Leeds Farm this past weekend (the last couple weekends in October we're busier with more Halloween-based events and Todd has to work too) and with rain possible on Sunday, we decided to cram everything in to Saturday. We got to the farm shortly after it opened and spent 3 hours there letting the girls do all the activities and eating lunch before hitting the road to drive 2.5+ hours up north to our nephew's birthday party. We stayed for a few hours and then drove back home, arriving home around 11:00 PM. While it was a long day with driving it actually worked out great because both girls slept part of the way up and the entire drive home.
The first thing the girls wanted to do (well, Lucy wanted to do it and then Cece just went along with whatever) was go on the hayride; it was perfect because there was no line and we only had to wait less than 5 min for the hayride to come back around so in the meantime, we asked an employee to take a family picture
Girls on the hayride
It was a little bumpy so Cece wanted to sit with daddy
Lucy jumping (Cece wasn't old enough to do this one but she still can't jump so I wasn't too worried about her missing this)
Combine slide for Lucy...
and Cece
Posing with the pigs
Lucy, once again, loved the slides in the barn
Both girls rode the cow train
They picked the last 2 seats on the train
All smiles on the way back
Annual picture that we can't skip!
Sharing an apple cider slushie
Lunch time
Dessert time
Checking out the goats
More slides (Todd would take Cece up to the top of all the slides and send her down)
Pure happiness on the barrel horses (a new addition this year)
One with Lucy
The last thing Lucy did was go on the zipline a few times
We got up to the party about an hour before it started and hung out with family before feasting on a variety of yummy tacos, burritos, taquitos, and dips for our nephew's taco themed party
My mother-in-law even made taco birthday cake!
The cousins...Cece was ready for cake!
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