Monday, April 22, 2019

Spring Things

 We had a wonderful but quick weekend with Todd's family for Easter (recap will be up in a couple days) but we were also busy last week wrapping up Cece's dance class, Lucy's art show at school, and going to see Disney on Ice.  While I'd like to say it's going to be nice to have another free evening during the week since Cece's dance class is over, I ended up signing the girls up for swim lessons at the same time so instead of dance on Tuesdays, we will be going to Aqua Tots for swim lessons (but at least both girls will be having lessons at the same time so I can actually watch them swim!)

Last day of Tiny Tots

 Cece did back-to-back sessions so she did Tiny Tots from September through April (on the left is her first day and on the right is her last day; she has definitely grown...her hair too!); she will be doing dance again in the fall and will be in the recital next year with Lucy!

During her last class

Lucy's school had their annual art show on Thursday evening so we went straight from her tap class to her school; Lucy's artwork is the top one and the theme was Dr. Seuss's One Fish Two Fish

Photo booth

Our elementary school does a great job of putting on these events, I was expecting just to walk around to look at the art but they had different tables set up around the school with activities for the kids to do like face painting, making bookmarks, and taking their picture with this Mona Lisa cut out

Cece's turn

 On Friday afternoon, we had tickets to go see Disney on Ice: Frozen

We had great seats and the girls loved the show; it was basically the entire Frozen movie performed on ice

The girls mesmerized during the show

We had promised the girls they could each pick out a treat during intermission so Lucy got a pretzel...

and Cece got this huge box of popcorn (the girl next to us was eating this earlier in the show and I swear I thought she was eating a box of cereal)

Cece couldn't wipe that grin off her face the rest of the time because she was obsessed with this popcorn

Best attempt at a family picture

One more picture after the show before walking back to the car in the pouring rain 

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