The Sexy Seven.
Yeah, you could say we're kinda a big deal. I mean, we do even have our own theme song thanks to a song request at Cotillion our junior year of high school. But seriously, I love these ladies. For starters, there are obviously 7 of us: Lynn, Megs, Lauren, Court, Katie (KTP), Lindsey (Shubs), and myself. We all became one big group of friends our junior year of high school, although I can't actually remember how we became friends or why we decided to name ourselves "The Sexy Seven." We've been through everything together and 5 of us even went to the University of Dayton. I'm lucky to have them in my life and think it's rare to still be so close to your high school friends. Despite the fact that three are married/engaged (one of those with the cutest little babies you'll ever see....check her and her little monkey man out at Life is Full of Perks) and we're spread out from Chicago, Columbus, and New York, we can all hang out and never miss a beat.
One tradition we started in high school was our annual Christmas gift exchage. This year, we're celebrating our 11th gift exchange. We each bring our signature dish or dishes (fruit pizza, puppy chow, taco dip, pepperoni bread, and we can't forget Shubs' cheese ball!), exchange presents with our secret sexy 7 member, and catch up. We even allowed an extra guest to take part in the fun this year as Shubs brought her almost 4-month old son Henry. He had a blast flirting with the girls & hanging out in each of our arms.
The Sexy Seven: Lynn, Shubs, me, KTP (Back row)
Court, Lauren, Megs (front row)
The traditional "Powell Girls" pic
Posing for pics with Henry while Mama Perks runs out for a bit
Presents under the tree....hmmm I wonder which one is mine?
Always smiling.....Shubs w/ her little monkey
Lynn had me in the gift exchange and it's clear she knows me well. I got lip gloss (my addiction) and this amazing picture she designed from my Boston marathon. She made me one a few years ago when I ran my first 1/2 marathon & I absolutely love them! All the photos she used were pictures that I had actually taken that she'd seen on facebook.
And last but not least, I can't forget to mention our latest tradition at the gift exchange that started about 5 years ago. At our dances in high school, we could get poster size versions of any photo so of course some of us ordered posters of the sexy 7 posing; however, a few years later, no one really wanted these posters any more specifically KTP's mom who told her she had to get rid of it so she had the perfect idea. She gave it to whoever she had in the gift exchange that year. It's become tradition to pass the poster around and I had been lucky enough to never receive the poster......that is until this year! I'm now the proud owner (for a year) of this:
Prom Poster circa 2001
I'm heading out after work to Leetonia with Todd to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas morning/afternoon with his family before heading back to Columbus tomorrow afternoon to spend Christmas evening with my parents and brother. We head to Ashland, Kentucky on Saturday to visit some of my family. It'll be a busy few days but I'm looking forward to it.
Catch you all in a few days! MERRY CHRISTMAS!
1 comment:
i heart the sexy 7!!!
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