Well, another busy weekend in the books. Friday night, Todd & I went to Average Joe's to celebrate Lynn's 27th birthday. I love this girl & am lucky to have called her my friend for the past 21 years. I was the Maid of Honor in her wedding this past May and hope that someday she will be my Matron of Honor at my wedding.
Megs & I with the birthday girl
Todd & I
(his beard is coming in nicely for the annual mustache competition in a few weeks)
On Saturday, Todd's family came into town from Leetonia for the OSU vs. Wisconsin basketball game. Our first stop when they got into Columbus was Thurman's for lunch. Todd's cousin, Bum, had been dying to go here and I was excited since I'd only been once before. Now for those of you that aren't familiar with Thurman's, it was featured on the show
Man v. Food (awesome show by the way) and is known for there amazing burgers. They're also known for their looonnnng waits. See, the restaurant only has about 10-12 tables/booths and since they're famous in town, you can end up waiting for hours. We got there around 1:00pm and waited almost 2 hours for a table. Normally I'm not that patient but it wasn't too bad because we were able to get some drinks, appetizers, and hang out with his family. I was hoping someone would get the Thurmanator, which is their signature burger. It's two 12 oz. burgers, bacon, ham, cheese, and some veggies all for a whooping $17! Unfortunately, no one got it but Todd did get the Bacon Ranch Cheeseburger, which was still a huge burger.
Todd's Bacon Ranch Cheeseburger w/ Onion Straws

By the time we were done with lunch, it was after 4pm so we headed over to the hotel his family was staying at to hang out and relax before heading down to campus for the game. We eventually made it down to the Schott for game time at 8:00pm. It was a decent game (tons of annoying calls by the refs though) with the Buckeyes beating the #13 Badgers 60-51.
View from our seats
Halftime show which featured a girls jump roping team. They were amazing!
(and I might have been more excited to see them then game)
Before Todd's family headed home on Sunday, we had to squeeze in a trip to Hooters for wings. Bum loves Hooters wings but unfortunately there isn't one in Leetonia so it's always big deal to go in Columbus. He is an expert at eating wings and has his own method. He first breaks the wing, eats the meat on the small bone, and then puts the rest of the wing in his mouth. When it comes out, there's nothing but bone. He just sucks the meat right off. It's actually pretty impressive to watch.
Bum's plate of 50 wings
He managed to eat 31 wings in 15 minutes
All in all, it was a great weekend but like always, went by way too fast. Todd is all tuckered out too as he's taking a nap on my couch as I write. Hope everyone else had a wonderful weekend!
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