Monday, March 29, 2010

Week 4 Recap: March 22-28

I spent a lot of time on the elliptical this week, including 3 hours (!) on Saturday morning in place of my 22 mi long run I was suppose to do. I'll attempt to run a few times later in the week as it will have been 3 weeks since my leg started hurting & it feels a lot better.

Monday: 1 hr elliptical (tempo); lifted total body

Tuesday: 30 min elliptical, 45 min spinning; core

Wednesday: 45 min elliptical

Thursday: 45 min elliptical; total body circuit with cardio

Friday: REST

Saturday: 3 hr elliptical (a little over 24 miles)

Sunday: taught 20 min core & taught 50 min spinning

TOTAL: 0 miles

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

3 hours is so impressive. and i remember you saying that you didn't like the arc trainer...any particular reasons why? ive noticed that i can't go very far miles wise on it but it's the only option at my gym at school