I finally feel out of my running funk, thankfully, because it's been a good 4 months since I've really felt like training or running more than 3 or 4 miles at a time. I had my longest run in quite some time yesterday with 9 mi on the treadmill. I can't believe it's been 4 months since I've had a double digit run! Anyways, despite the great weather, I had to do this run on the treadmill. I had to work at 4:00 AM and we were only testing a few police officers so I had time to go to the gym in between that and when our normal day starts at 7:30 AM. I ran 9 mi in 8:02 pace and honestly wanted to go farther except I had to get back to work. My last couple miles were 7:40 pace. Overall, I was pleased and feel like this is the confidence I need to get my motivation back.
And on a side note, Todd & I are moving in together in less than a month and I've started to clean out my closet. I seriously had no idea I had this many old running shoes and this doesn't even include the 2 pairs I currently wear to run in. Needles to say, I do not have any of these shoes in my closet any more.
Congrats on your registration! I'm sure this will get you out of your running funk!
look at all of your asics - at least your a loyal customer! you crack me up!
we just signed up for the 1/2 as well:) were also doing the 10 miler here in gahanna on the 10th of april if you are at interested in doing it - its put on through second sole, and its just around gahanna.
hope all is well!
congrats! signing up for a race is so exciting :)
What did you with your old ones?
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