Despite Sara moving to Pittsburgh in the fall of 2008, the 4 of us still trained for Boston together. We took a roadtrip to Pittsburgh for one 20-miler and Sara came to Columbus for another one. We had a blast training together and wanted to have just as much fun running Boston. We worked so hard to qualify that we were going to use Boston as our victory lap. Running the Boston Marathon was a dream of all of ours and I ran all 26.2 miles with a huge smile on my face.
Entrance to 2009 Expo
Em, Tracy, Sara, and I at dinner the night before the race
Oh, did I forget to mention my brother was also running?
The 4 of us in Athlete's Village before the start

We had matching outfits (thanks to Sara who worked for Mizuno!) and were still all smiles at mile 17 despite Heartbreak Hill on the horizon

Running strong with less than 1 mile to go

Our official Boston finish line photo....quite possibly one of my favorite all-time pictures

We did it! We ran 3:55 and it was a day that I will never forget

I have goosebumps, Wittich! I am so excited for my own experience... can't wait to share it with you afterward. Much LOVE to you for continued inspiration and support. xoxo
love the second to last photo lady! i wish i could have met you the past year and this year.
Awesome! I'll never be fast enough for Boston (and I'm totally fine with that), so I'm enjoying living vicariously through everyone talking about it this week.
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