Monday, October 30, 2017

Getting Ready for Halloween

After this past weekend, I'd say besides carving our pumpkin tomorrow, Lucy & Cecelia are ready for Halloween!  They had a couple "dress rehearsals" over the weekend where they were able to dress up in their costumes and go trick-or-treating.  We went to the Worthington Farmers' Market on Saturday and the North Market yesterday.  We were originally planning on going to Boo at the Zoo yesterday but I wasn't quite ready for the drastic change in temperature (it was high 70s last weekend and it was high 30s most of this weekend) so we decided to head indoors instead.  

Saturday morning was the last outdoor farmers' market of the year before it moves inside from November-April.  It was cold and raining on & off (with a few snow flurries mixed in too!) so we almost decided not to go but it cleared up with about an hour or so left and we made the decision to head down.  Despite the colder temps, it worked out surprisingly well because the place was dead and Lucy got quite a bit of candy from each vendor.  I will say though, she is definitely more about the experience of getting the candy and sorting through it than eating it.  I mean, don't get me wrong, she definitely eats some and we set whatever candy she gets from various holidays & parties up on our kitchen counter (in plain sight) but she hardly ever asks to eat it.  Todd & I just had to throw out a bunch of Halloween and Easter candy she still had from last year.  We even joked that the candy she got from this weekend we should just turn around and hand out to trick-or-treaters that come to our house.  I have a feeling Cece won't be like this in the years to come though--with how much she likes to eat, she won't let us forget about her candy stash! 

Jasmine & Abu (in her full costume this weekend since it was much colder)

With the girls (and the cute little bouquet of dried flowers I bought for our kitchen table)

I was so excited for this Buckeye Cruffin (croissant/muffin) from Dan the Baker but it didn't live up to my expectations

We had friends over on Saturday afternoon/evening so earlier in the day, Lucy helped me unwrap all the caramels I needed for the dessert I made

Like I said earlier, we changed our plans on Sunday from Boo at the Zoo to the Halloween event at the North Market.  Basically, it was like the farmers' market and each North Market vendor had candy to hand out to the kids.  Lynn and her kids met us there and we were able to eat together afterwards too.  It was a great weekend for hanging out with some of our friends and our kids since Todd & I were able to do it on both Saturday and Sunday.

Our little monkey lounging around

Jasmine walking around the North Market


She thought the skeleton dressed up was pretty funny

Cece was content in her stroller

After we walked around all the vendors, we bought some food and headed upstairs to meet Lynn & her kids for lunch

Lucy was excited to try Nerds for the first time

Olive & Lucy

Tomorrow, Todd is off work so he'll be able to go to Lucy's Halloween performance at school (they get to wear their costumes and have been practicing some songs with the music teacher--all I know is Lucy said one of the songs is called "Scary Fingers") and then after I get home from work, we'll carve pumpkins and get ready for trick-or-treat night.

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