Friday, December 29, 2017

Christmas 2017

Hard to believe Christmas was already 4 days ago (there's always so much anticipation leading up to it and then boom, it's over so quickly) but I wanted to get a recap posted because this was my favorite Christmas thus far as a mom.  Lucy finally got the whole Santa thing this year (and was already asking me lots of questions which I wasn't quite prepared for yet!) and Cece could unwrap her own presents.  I think these next few years will be even better as both girls will believe in the Christmas magic.

I was up bright & early on Christmas morning so I could be ready when the girls woke up.  They typically wake up between 7:00-7:30 AM so I wanted to be ready by 7:00 AM but apparently their Christmas present to Todd & I was to sleep in until 8:15 AM.  It was amazing.  Once they were up, Lucy peeked over the balcony and was so thrilled to see that Santa had come.  The girl & Todd headed downstairs and after a quick obligatory family pj photo, we started opening presents.  Both girls were on the nice list and Lucy received all three gifts from Santa she had asked for: a toothbrush for her bitty baby (so random), a bath tub for bitty baby, and a Chelsea doll school set.  Cece couldn't quite tell us what she wanted from Santa this year so we're hoping she'll enjoy the Magnatiles and talking Elmo doll.

Reading a book on Christmas morning, waiting for the girls to wake up

As soon as Lucy walked in, she spotted the Elsa & Anna dolls

Cece came in right behind Lucy to see all the presents

Checking out all the presents

Pj pic!

Lucy getting down her stocking

Helping Cece with hers

Opening their stocking gifts

Santa gave Lucy a $5 Starbucks gift card so she could get a few cake pops at Target 

After stockings, Lucy started to hand out presents for the rest of us

Lucy opening her Chelsea doll school set

Presents everywhere!

Pretty excited about bitty's new bath tub

Cece opening a present with daddy

Todd & the girls

My turn to unwrap a present with Cece

Lucy loves Cece's new toys just as much as hers

Hidden in a sea of wrapping paper

Cece & Lucy with their Anna & Elsa dolls

Cece giggling and trying to stick her fingers in Elmo's mouth when he talks

Shortly before lunch time, we headed over to my parents' house to celebrate Christmas with my side of the family.  The grandkids opened their presents and we spent most of the afternoon playing with their new toys & games.  My mom made a delicious Christmas dinner and we hung out for a bit longer before going home to put the girls to bed.

It's a Christmas miracle...we're all looking at the camera and smiling!

My family at my parent's house

Lucy helping Cece open her big present from Grandma & Grandpa

A crib for her bitty baby!

We had brought her bitty over so the first thing Cece did was lay her down and cover her with a blanket

Lucy's big present was a wardrobe for her dress up clothes

Opening more presents with Cece

My parents had a few presents to open from us

The girls sitting at the kids' table while eating some snacks

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