Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Days Leading Up to Christmas + Christmas Eve

Last Friday, since Todd & I were both off work, we headed up to have Christmas with Todd's side of the family.  Our plan was to be there all day Friday & Saturday and drive back home on Saturday.  My brother, sister-in-law, and nephew were coming to Columbus from the Bay Area on Friday afternoon so we were going to spend Christmas Eve & Christmas with my family.  Unfortunately, there was a lot of sickness going around so we didn't even get to see Todd's sister's family while we were up in Leetonia (and have to exchange presents with them this weekend instead) and my nephew & brother were a little under the weather as well so we didn't get to spend as much time with them as we would've liked.  Despite all that, we made the best of it and still had plenty of family time the past few days.  

Before we left on Friday morning, Jack left one more letter & small gift to keep the girls entertained in the car

MaMa & PaPa gave the girls their old cell phones to play with & Cece didn't put this thing down for almost 24 hours straight

Lucy looking at hers with PaPa (the only game on the phone was a "Rolling Dice" game which somehow kept them entertained for awhile)

I was coloring with Lucy while Cece, no surprise, was still playing with the phone

Cece loved following PaPa around the house, she was holding onto his leg here which I thought I was cute

Ready for bed on Friday night (oh, and don't worry, Cece still has that phone in her hands)

When the girls got up on Saturday, we did presents with MaMa & PaPa since they weren't sure if they'd make the trip to Columbus this weekend with Todd's sister's family; Cece immediately noticed the Minnie doll in her stocking

Opening their stockings

Checking out all the presents under the tree

The girls with MaMa & PaPa

Rodrick family

MaMa helping Lucy with her big present

She got a wardrobe for her bitty baby clothes & accessories!

Sisters playing with their new toys

It started to snow on Saturday afternoon so after Todd's cousins stopped by, we decided to drive back to Columbus a little earlier.  We made it home for dinner and after the girls were in bed, we were able to relax on the couch.

Since my brother, sister-in-law, and nephew were in town, we decided to have them over as well as my parents on Christmas Eve for dinner.  Todd & I spent the better part of the morning and early afternoon cleaning, making dessert, and prepping for dinner.  Unfortunately, my nephew wasn't feeling well so he stayed back with my mom at my parents' house that afternoon/evening.  The rest of my family came over in the afternoon, stayed for dinner, dessert, and drinks, and headed back home around 7:00 PM.  It gave Todd & I plenty of time to get the girls to bed and get the presents ready for Christmas morning.  While we missed seeing Todd's extended family at their big Christmas Eve party, it was nice to not have to drive home late that night and be up until 1:00 or 2:00 AM setting out presents.  We definitely weren't exhausted on Christmas like we typically are!

Started off Christmas Eve morning with a workout at a new studio, Studio Torch

Todd had put together bitty baby's wardrobe the night before so Lucy spent that morning organizing the clothes

The girls "helping" me make dessert (they were just waiting to lick the spoons once I was done)

Lucy made place cards and we set the table

Grandpa & the girls

Family pic while we were dressed up


The girls picked out cookies and we set them out for Santa

Santa was here!

Stockings were filled & Santa left a letter for the girls after eating some milk & cookies; we were all ready for Christmas morning!

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