Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Spending the Weekend Outside

I'm loving this weather recently (although I say that as it's supposed to be 90 the next few days) with cooler temps in the morning and still pretty warm during the day.  Since Lucy is on the Mon/Thurs and every other Wed kindergarten schedule, I get to hang out with both my girls on Friday.  Last year, Lucy had preschool all morning on Fridays and then Cece would take an afternoon nap so we never really got to do much on my days off but this year will be much different.  I'm going to take full advantage of this year with our Fridays together since it will be our last once Lucy goes to first grade.  

On Friday, the girls & I went to a "new to us" park, Liberty Park, that is only a couple miles from our house. It's all handicap accessible which is nice with little ones, like Cece, so she can still do most things.  The girls loved it and already asked when we could go back.  Lucy's favorite thing was the roller slide.  After, we went to Lakeshore Learning to pick up a couple things Lucy's kindergarten teacher had asked parents to donate.  The girls enjoyed exploring the store and playing with some of the toys they had out.  That evening, Todd & my dad went to a bourbon tasting & dinner so my mom joined the girls & I at our church's festival.  I'm glad she came with us to help because it would have definitely been challenging for me to watch both girls and carry their prizes (we didn't bring a stroller) once it became really crowded.

Playing at the park


and climbing

Just love her little pig tails

Playing at Lakeshore Learning

 Kids' games at the festival

Cece didn't quite understand the concept of the bean bag toss game

 Lucy playing basket toss

Grandma helping Cece with the ring toss


Photo booth with the pope 

Lucy exiting the fun house

 Cece watching Lucy ride the train

Saturday and Sunday were both pretty low key days.  We went to the Shops at Worthington on Saturday morning to let the girls play and check out where Lucy is having her birthday party and then Lucy had a birthday party in the afternoon while Cece napped.  Todd had to write a paper for class so I ran some errands and did some cleaning around the house before picking Lucy up from the party.  On Sunday, Todd had to work all day so once he left at 8:00 AM, it just me and the girls until he got home around 6:00 PM.  We went to the grocery store, played at home, and biked & played at the park.

Making silly faces

 They insisted on going down the slide with daddy

Making wishes while throwing pennies in the fountain

The beautiful unicorn cake at the birthday party

The girls "helping" me making cookies by eating the chocolate chips

Sharing a chair at breakfast

Biking to the park

Lucy's favorite thing is to slide down the fireman's pole

The girls racing each other...which Lucy clearly won every time

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