Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Holiday Happenings

We've crammed a lot of holiday fun in during the past week!  Last week, my dad gave Lucy a small tree he used to keep on his office desk (before he retired) because she'd be asking for a tree in her room.  She spent some time one afternoon last week putting all the ornaments on it.  I also spent some time with the girls last week having them write a letter to Santa to send off.  On Friday, they dropped their letters off in the mailbox located in downtown Powell and we should hopefully get a letter back from Santa!

Lucy & her small tree

Ready to mail their letters to Santa

Cece putting hers in the mailbox...

followed by Lucy

After Breakfast with Santa on Saturday, Todd had to work from home for a little bit so the girls & I worked on making their Christmas cards for their teachers.  Lucy drew some pictures and wrote a note in hers but I helped Cece make a handprint Christmas tree on her cards.  That evening, we drove downtown to have dinner at Dirty Frank's and then walked the couple blocks over to the Columbus Commons to see it all lit up with Christmas lights.  I had never been down there before at this time of year and it was beautiful!  We ended our night by stopping at the Lucy Depp Park light show which we ended up driving through 3 times!  The girls loved it and Lucy has already asked to go back again.

I thought these cards turned out so cute!  When Lucy was younger, we had made Santa cards with her handprint but Cece has the same teachers so I found something different for her this year

The girls both loved Dirty Frank's...

especially Cece and her Octodog (a hot dog cut like an octopus on top of mac & cheese)

Lights at the Columbus Commons

The girls sitting in Santa's sleigh

Bigger picture of the sleigh, reindeer, and huge tree

Lucy asked to have their picture taken in front of the pink trees

The girls looking at the Christmas trees on the stage

Driving through the Lucy Depp Park light show

On Sunday, I had my annual Book Club Christmas party and then Lucy & I went to see The Nutcracker at a nearby high school that is put on by a local dance studio.  She said she enjoyed it but I think it was just a bit too long for her still.  It was over an hour and a half long and I could tell she was getting antsy at about the hour and 15 min mark.  Overall though, it was a great performance for younger kids and adults--I was very entertained and thought the dancing was great!

The amazing food spread at our brunch for Book Club

Lucy anxiously awaiting for The Nutcracker to start

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