Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Memorial Day Weekend 2019

I'm not sure how much more we really could've crammed into this past weekend!  We had 3 parties, I taught a class at Shred, Todd finished up the closet in Cece's new room (we should be moving her this weekend after we buy a bed!), grilled out & made s'mores, went to the Powell Memorial Day parade, and spent an afternoon at Zoombezi Bay.  Lots of time with friends and family made it a great weekend!

It was nice on Friday so Todd was finally able to take his bike to work 

The girls & I spent part of Friday at Zoombezi Bay before it started raining

We went for a bike ride that evening & Cece tried out the balance bike

We had Keegan's 3rd birthday party on Saturday late morning/early afternoon

Playing on the playground at the party

He had a Cars-themed party

Couldn't ask for a better picture of the two friends!  Todd & I are friends with Keegan's parents but Cece & him were also in the same Tiny Tots class all year

After Keegan's party, we drove to a family party for Todd's family; his grandmother is turning 90 this year and they're having party for her in Alabama but it's the day after we get back from our vacation so we aren't able to make it.  Since there were some other family members not able to make it, they threw an early birthday party for her in Columbus when she was in town

Round 2 of birthday cake for the day

It was nice to see everyone; we hadn't see the majority of them for over 2 years (Cece was only about 6 months old) so they were all so surprised at how big the girls were

With Todd's Nana

On Sunday afternoon, the girls were invited to their friend, Carolyn's, 5th birthday party, which was at an indoor swimming pool

Super impressed with Megan's cupcake-making skills

All the girls gathered around while the birthday girl opened presents

We decided to grill out on Sunday night instead of on Memorial Day...

and we ended the night with s'mores!

Roasting marshmallows

Cece basically took the s'more apart, ate the marshmallow and the chocolate, and then eventually came back later to eat the graham cracker

Lucy was a little more neat with eating hers

We kept up our annual tradition of walking down to the Powell Memorial Day parade on Monday; we always seem to luck out and get amazing weather!

Family photo

My dad also walked down with us and joined us to watch the parade

Lucy ran into a friend from her Girl Scout troop and also a girl from her tap class

Like the last couple years, Lynn, Nathan, Olive, & Brody also came

They all seem to get along really well!

Lynn & I with the kiddos

Interrupted their parade-watching to get a picture

After the parade, we walked home and packed up to spend the afternoon at Zoombezi Bay.  We had skipped Cece's nap on both Saturday & Sunday so we managed to stay for a couple hours before getting home at a decent time for her to still take a short nap (she could hardly keep her eyes open on the 3 minute drive home)

Todd & I

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