Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Zoo Day & Moving Bedrooms

With Lucy being in a different camp each week this month (Y camp, dance camp, zoo camp, and VBS), last Friday was our last Friday until July that Cece, Lucy, and I could spend the day together.  We decided to make it a "gold" day at the zoo and use our gold membership to do all the fun rides/attractions that cost extra money but are included in our membership.  We got there right when it opened at 9:00 AM and 3.5 hours later, we headed home for lunch.  The girls were both so good and never once complained about walking that entire time (I didn't bring the stroller for Cece & never had to hold her either)--I think they were too excited and having so much fun that they didn't even realize how much walking we were doing.  

We started at the furthest point in the zoo and did the first giraffe feeding of the day

Lucy fed the giraffes all the pieces of lettuce because Cece was scared

Lucy is old enough to ride the camel by herself...

so I was able to ride with Cece (it was her 1st camel ride!)

We worked our way out of the Heart of Africa and down to North America where we did the pony ride

This was also Cece's 1st pony ride and she said it was her favorite thing we did all day

We hit the train ride up next...

before making a stop at the petting zoo/barn 

We did actually see a few animals too!  Cece wanted to see the flamingos since she was wearing a flamingo shirt and both girls also wanted to see the penguins

Lucy rode the carousel...

while Cece opted to sit that one out and just watch Lucy ride

We stopped to play at the playground and then made our way into Australia for the Dinosaur Island boat ride

Both girls were hesitant & a little scared to ride this last summer and this year they were totally fine!

We walked back towards the zoo entrance and finished our morning riding rides at Jungle Jack's landing

Cece is only big enough for a few of the rides (train ride, elephant ride, and tea cups)...

but Lucy was tall enough this year to do the bumper cars (which is what she said was her favorite thing of the day)

They sure didn't act tired by the time we walked back to our car but my feet were so tired!

On Friday afternoon, after lunch at home, I took the girls to a retirement party at one of the fire station's I work at.  The main contact person I work with on their administrative side was retiring and they were having a casual retirement party for her.  One of my coworkers also came along with our sales/marketing rep.  The girls sat quietly doing sticker books with the promise of cake after a very short speech from the fire chief (there were a few other kids there too!).  We work very closely with this department so we were hanging out with the firefighters who were on duty that day (and a few who have retired themselves in the past 10 years that I hadn't seen in years).  I was really proud of Lucy & Cece though and how well behaved they were.  A few of the firefighters even complimented them!

I subbed a class at Shred415 on Saturday morning before meeting Todd & the girls at the mattress store to buy Cece's new big girl bed!  We got the water table out for the girls after lunch and also spent part of the day moving and rearranging furniture to swap out Cece's nursery with the guest room.  That evening, I went out to dinner & drinks in downtown Powell at Huli Huli Tiki Lounge with a couple girlfriends.

Can't believe how much use we've gotten out of this water table

Todd & I spent the majority of Sunday moving more furniture and setting up Cece's new bed.  In fact, she officially moved into her new room on Sunday afternoon for her nap (which unfortunately, she never took because I think she was part excited/part scared but she did sleep well that night and took a nap yesterday).  She had asked for a pink room and while we kept the walls painted gray, we tried to incorporate as much pink in as we could for her bedding and other decor.  I had to order some more wall decor after the furniture was all moved in (we weren't entirely sure of the set up) so once it's 100% done, I'll post some before and after pictures...including the closet renovation Todd completed.

Moving out the old bed

She was really excited to finally be in a bed like Lucy's...and then apparently was too excited to actually take a nap

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