Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Lucy's American Girl Birthday Party

We spent this past weekend celebrating Lucy turning 6!  We had her birthday party on Saturday with her friends in the early afternoon followed by a family birthday party in the late afternoon/evening.  After she opened her presents that night, she found out we were going to the American Girl store on Sunday (her actual birthday) where she was going to be able to pick out any doll she wanted followed by lunch at the Bistro.  She was so excited and spent part of the next morning pouring over an American Girl guide book she also got on her birthday trying to see which doll she wanted.

With her love of American Girl, it's no surprise that was also the theme of her party.  She invited a few of her friends over and, per the invite, requested they bring their favorite doll.  I was actually surprised all the girls had American Girl dolls!  Lucy brought her Samantha doll & Cece brought her Kirsten doll to the party--both of which were gifted to the girls for their last birthdays from my aunt & uncle (passed down from my cousin). The dolls had their own table set up complete with snacks while the girls sat at a separate table for crafts and snacks.  The girls loved all the crafts and I couldn't believe how entertained they were doing them.  In fact, Todd & I had to practically drag them away to do cake and presents.  All in all, it was a great party and Lucy said it was exactly what she wanted.

Ready for her party

This picture cracks me up with their legs crossed--it makes them look so much older!

Cookie tray for the party

Birthday cake for the party 

Snacks set up for the girls

For favors, I had put together a candy bar for the girls; they also took home the bracelets they made along with some other crafts and the place settings & "food" (which were erasers) for the dolls

Craft table in the dining room with the bracelet kits & supplies to make teddy bears for their dolls

The dolls sitting at their own table and the girls were at the other one

The girls started the party making photo props for themselves & their dolls (please pay attention to Todd sitting at the head of the table; one of Lucy's friends kept making props for him which was hilarious)

After they were done with the photo props, we moved into the dining room for bracelets and bear making

Cece made an all-pink bear

Birthday girl!

Blowing out her candle

Opening presents

Before everyone left, we got a picture with the girls, their dolls, and their photo props

Family picture

After Lucy's friends left, Todd's family & my parents came over to celebrate the birthday girl with another cake (Todd made this cake), dinner, and more presents.  It was a long but fun day celebrating Lucy!

Family picture in the evening with the other cake

Cousins!  (It was actually our nephew's 13th birthday that day so Todd also made him a little cake)

Round 2 of singing Happy Birthday

And blowing out more candles

I loved that this was the first year Lucy was actually able to read all of her birthday cards

She got a fabulous pink couch for her dolls and this American Girl book that she's obsessed with

Cece picked out a couple presents for her at Target last week which included these Movie Night accessories for her dolls as well as a gymnastics barbie

Lots of new books to read!

Holding up her certificate (that Todd made) for picking out a doll

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