Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Lucy's 1st Easter Egg Hunt

Our neighborhood held their annual Easter egg hunt on Sunday afternoon so despite the chilly & windy conditions, we bundled up and Todd, Lucy, me, and my parents walked over to the park where it was held.  There were probably 25-30 other kids there and over 600 eggs to find.  Lucy did such a great job and found 8 eggs.  She was the youngest kid there so a lot of the bigger kids found a lot more.  After all the eggs were found, we hung out at the picnic shelter for hot chocolate and sweets and then Lucy played on the playground for a little bit while Todd helped clean up since he is our HOA president.
Lucy spotted a few eggs right away

It was a little harder to pick them up with mittens on

Adding more to her basket 

She was so proud of herself 

And her nose was running since it was cold and she kept trying to lick her snot 

Trying to find some more 

Walking to the picnic shelter after the egg hunt was over 

Great family photo except Lucy's tongue hanging out

Digging in to her basket to see what was inside her eggs

Eating cupcakes 


And then moving on to try to eat the candy still in the wrappers 

Going down the slide 

and the other slide

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