Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Easter 2018

We celebrated Easter with Todd's family, as we do most years, so on Saturday after I subbed a Spin/TRX class, we made the almost 3 hour drive up to spend the rest of the weekend with them.  We hadn't seen my in-laws since Christmas because they had just arrived back in Ohio a few days earlier from their winter stay in Florida and the girls were excited to see MaMa & PaPa as well as their cousins.  Saturday was spent hanging out at my in-laws, catching up, and having a low-key dinner at their house. Todd's sister's family came over for dinner so the girls spent most of the evening playing with their cousins (and PaPa!).

On Easter morning, we all went to church and then spent the rest of the day at Todd's sister's house where they were hosting Easter lunch for the extended family.  We never made it up to the annual Christmas Eve party a few months back so most of the family hadn't seen us since a family wedding last August and they were all so surprised how much bigger (Cece) and older (Lucy) the girls looked.  Todd & I spent most of the afternoon making sure we didn't have a repeat performance of 3 years ago on Easter when Lucy fell down the stairs at this house (when we spent the afternoon at the ER) so we made sure to keep a close eye on Cece.  She made it through Easter without a single scratch on her so it was a win! We enjoyed our time with family, ate entirely way too much food (but I guess that's what holidays are for, right?), and were glad we made the trip up there to celebrate.  The girls passed out on the drive home for about an hour or so and before we know it, we were back home around 7:30 PM and ready to start another week.

Cece finding her Easter basket

Lucy spotted hers hiding behind a chair

Rodrick girls on Easter morning

Cece immediately opened a piece of chocolate

The girls playing with Cece's new baby doll

And PaPa joined in on the fun too

Family photo #1 of the day

Family photo #2

 and Family Photo #3 

The first attempt at a cousin's picture didn't go so well because Cece wouldn't stand still 

so Andrew tried to hold her

 MaMa & PaPa with their grandkids

 Kids opening Easter baskets from MaMa & PaPa 

Cece wasn't so sure what to do with this bubble wand

Lucy was excited to get some accessories for her Wellie Wisher

  The delicious spread of food (the kitchen island was filled with desserts too) 

Todd & Cece

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