Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Party + Street Market

We had a pretty busy weekend but most of it was fun stuff so I can't complain!  On Saturday morning, I subbed a TRX class at the studio I teach at and then Lucy & I went to her dance studio to register her for tap again next year.  I also signed Cece up for a Mommy + Tot class.  It's hard to believe we're already thinking about activities for next fall and school year!  In the late afternoon, we headed over to Brody's 2nd birthday party at Lynn & Nathan's house.  Since most of the kids there were around Lucy's age (4-5 years old), it was a relatively relaxing party since the bigger kids are pretty self-sufficient.  Of course, Todd & I took turns watching Cece play but it still gave us each a chance to spend a good amount of time with our friends.  Honestly, it was a perfect birthday party because the kids just ran around and played on the swing set while the adults hung out--and we obviously had a good time since we were there until almost 8:00 PM!

Kids played while the adults relaxed at Brody's party

Big kids' table for eating

Todd got stuck at the little kid table

Brody ready to blow out his candle

All the kids singing to him

The kids each got a cupcake to decorate

Cece bypassed the decorating and just went straight to eating everything

So yummy!

I'd say she liked it

In honor of the party being on Cinco de Mayo, there was a pinata for the kids

Lucy's turn

Mad dash to grab all the candy once it broke

Brody & Cece watch the Kentucky Derby

Happy kids

On Sunday, I went to an early class at Studio Torch, went to the grocery store, and then we all walked to downtown Powell for the first Powell Street Market of the year.  We checked out a few shops we had never been in (Annie's Wine Cottage is fantastic!) and shopped locally from several vendors.  Once we walked back home and ate lunch, Cece went down for her nap and Lucy & I hung outside (she played with the water table which is still a HUGE hit after 4 years) while Todd did some yard work.  We ended our weekend with pizza and playing with the girls.

Sunday is Total Body at Studio Torch so we got a variety of everything---cardio, core, upper, and lower body

Lucy ordering lemonade at the Powell Street Market

While they were making her lemonade, I bought a couple shirts from Tru Brand

Lucy & her lemonade

Todd & I couldn't pass up $3 mimosas at Annie's Wine Cottage and the girls were pleasantly surprised they had some sweet treats from Corner Bakery Cafe too

We stopped at the splash pad park on the way home to let them play for a few minutes

Lucy playing with the water table while I soaked up the sun watching her

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