Thursday, August 1, 2019

Summer Camps

Lucy has had a busy summer!  We had a slightly different child care situation this summer as my parents weren't going to watch the girls quite as much so we had to figure out what to do with the girls while I was at work.  My parents still watched the girls 1-2 days/week and we have also used our high school sitter and a drop off day care by our house that is great for my part-time schedule. Since Lucy is old enough to go to camp, we picked out a few throughout the month of June that she thought she might enjoy.  Of course, Cece wasn't old enough so unfortunately, she still had to go to day care for part of the summer.  Lucy went to a different camp each week in June and then the week Cece turned 3, both girls were able to go to dance camp together.

Lucy started her summer at Y Camp--it was Wild About Art week and she loved swimming every day

The next week, she went to Descendants dance camp and on the last day, they put on a show for the parents and Lucy dressed up as Mal

This is the character Mal from Descendants

The following week, Lucy went to zoo camp; she'd been the last couple years but since she's going into 1st grade, this was the first year she could do the full day camp

The last week of June, she went to VBS at our church and later told me this was her favorite camp so far!  Of course, she said she liked all of them so we'll have to decide next year which ones to do again

At the beginning of July, Lucy went to a short Safety Camp through our local Parks & Rec that was only a couple hours in the afternoon for 3 days; Todd & I were actually home this week in the afternoons but felt it was important for her to learn some of the lessons they were teaching

Safety Camp graduation

Picture with the firefighter and police officer that led the camp

Picture with Digger Dog

Both girls got to go to Aladdin dance camp just a couple weeks ago

Again, on the last day of dance camp, the girls put on a show

Cece was so excited and did really well considering this was her first time dancing/performing in front of people

Both girls during part of the dance

It's hard to believe that Lucy has been out of school for over 2 months now and summer is winding down.  She'll be starting 1st grade in just 2 weeks and Cece will be starting 3 year old preschool for 2 mornings/week right after Labor Day.

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