Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Mother's Day 2017

Mother's Day this year was absolutely perfect and that included the gorgeous weather!  Todd made his famous Japanese Chicken Salad for lunch and planned a picnic for us at Inniswood Metro Gardens.  I think this is the 7th or 8th picnic we've done for Mother's Day/my birthday and Todd plans it at a different place each year so we can check out "new" parks.  I'd heard great things about how beautiful this park is and quite a few people use it as a place to take professional pictures.  We had our picnic first and then ventured into the actual park to wander around.  There are a bunch of paths and gardens throughout and we probably spent over an hour walking around checking it all out.  Since it was such a warm, sunny day, we decided to cut our trip a little short because we didn't want the girls to get sunburned (and it was way past Cece's nap time).

Entrance to the park

Cece hanging out on the picnic blanket while we unpacked the food

With my girls

Cece dined on a delicious pouch

Todd with the girls...

and another one of me with the girls

All I really wanted was a decent picture of me with Lucy & Cece and I'd say this one was pretty good

Walking across a bridge

Treehouse in the wooded area

Posing inside the tree

My favorite area was Sisters' Garden which is more of the children's area; the white building is Granny's house and behind it is Bessie's Barn and to the left is a working windmill

Lucy playing in the water pumped by the windmill

Hanging out with Cece

Lucy grabbed a pamphlet of the Sisters' Garden and found a bench to sit down to look at it; I just thought this was a cute candid picture of her "reading" the pamphlet

Todd brought the tripod and we attempted a family picture

Lucy threw a penny into the waterfall & I told her to make a wish; she said, "I wish to be a queen!"

Unfortunately, I didn't get many pictures of flowers but did snap a picture of these pretty ones

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